2016年11月24日 星期四

Super Renault Can clip with Gloden PCB Renault Can Clip V162 Torrent Software Download Free

Super Renault Can clip with Gloden PCB is can clip renault with AN21355SC Chip. Gloden PCB Renault Can Clip software new update to renault clip v162 crack software. Below OBD2Tuning.com sharing Super Renault Can clip with Gloden PCB Renault Can Clip V162 Torrent Software Download Free. 

Super Can clip AN21355SC Chip Renault can clip V160 Gold PCB

OBD2Tuning.com Super Renault Can clip with Gloden PCB Renault Can Clip V162 Torrent Software Download Free: 

https://mega.nz/#F!rN9wGKqJ!ZjdmRI1LWAvXfLTxVTnDPQ (thanks to khellaf)

OBD2Tuning.com Renault Can Clip V162 Torrent Software Operation systems can be tried:

Works only with 32bit windows

Windows XP definitely work with the tested CLIP v160 software

Some also work fine on Win7 x86&Win 7 Ultimate x64

Renault CAN CLIP diagnostic interface—> YES

Renault CAN CLIP reprogramming—> YES

CAN CLIP for Renault ECU programming–> YES?

some experienced users says it needs good charger 70A and voltage over 14V. But the Chinese engineers have never verified this.

Renault CLIP for card key programming–> YES?

100% possible to use HF and non HF cards on these cars.

obviously if you code non HF CARD to HF car, HF function will not work on this car.

and if you code HF card to non HF car , the HF function will not work.

done it many times without any problem via true code and avdi

OBD2Tuning.com Focus on OBD Tool Since 2008


This article is compiled by www OBD2Tuning com, if you have any advice on it, pls feel free to contact OBD2Tuning - China OBD2 Tuning Tool Automotive Diagnostic Tools Car Key Programmer OBD2 ECU chip tuning tool Center.

2016年11月23日 星期三

Details info of Mercedes benz scn coding online account to do mercedes benz online programming

As we all know that mercedes vediamo scn coding software can do mercedes scn coding offline, if customers need to do mercedes scn coding online, can choose mercedes benz scn coding online account. Below OBD2Tuning.com sharing Details info of Mercedes benz scn coding online account to do mercedes benz online programming

Mercedes benz scn coding online account One year Star diagnosis online scn coding account

OBD2Tuning.com Mercedes benz scn coding online account to do mercedes benz online programming Notes:

For the users who own mb sd c4 mercedes benz xentry das v2015.07 or v2015.09 or v2015.12, you just order SCN Online Coding service (Item No. SS99).
If you MB SD C4 software is before than V2015.07, you are advised to buy the newest sd connect C4 update software, then order SCN Online Coding service (Item No. SS99).
Before order SCN Online Coding service (Item No. SS99), please you provide our customer service your car model, year and SCN coding function & system (for example EZS, command navigation, ect), then our customer service with confirm with our factory engineer whether they can access to the authorization, then notify you make payment. Feature: convenient and fast, online authorization.

How to use Mercedes benz scn coding online account to do mercedes benz online programming: 

) Place an order on our website for this obd2tuning.com mercedes benz online coding service.
) Contact our online customer service on skype:obdtool.co.uk or our Live Chat system
3.) Prepare mb sd c4, car, laptop and teamviewer.

4.) Send Teamviewer ID and Password to customer service

) Factory engineer will access to your laptop to open this function directly, you do not need do anything
) After it done, system will prompt you “The SCN coding sequence has been completed successfully”, we will inform you as well

OBD2Tuning.com Focus on OBD Tool Since 2008


This article is compiled by www OBD2Tuning com, if you have any advice on it, pls feel free to contact OBD2Tuning - China OBD2 Tuning Tool Automotive Diagnostic Tools Car Key Programmer OBD2 ECU chip tuning tool Center.

2016年11月22日 星期二

Vpecker Easydiag OBD2 Scanner V8.5 Tdintel vpecker diagnostic tool Kia Pro software Update to V19

Vpecker Easydiag OBD2 Scanner software update to VPECKER Easydiag V8.5. OBD2Tuning.com Vpecker Easydiag OBD2 Scanner V8.5 Tdintel vpecker diagnostic tool Kia Pro software Update to V19. Vpecker Easydiag OBD2 Scanner Give you a more powerful device with new special functions.

Wifi VPECKER Easydiag OBD2 Scanner V8.5 Wireless Tdintel vpecker diagnostic tool 

OBD2Tuning.com Vpecker Easydiag OBD2 Scanner V8.5 Tdintel vpecker diagnostic tool Kia Pro software Update to V19:

ABD / ASR Pressure Increase
Air Bleeding Mode
Air Bleeding of Low Pressure Hose
ASP Calibration
AWD Mode Selection
Clutch Learning Read
Code Saving
CPF Service Regeneration
DCT Learning Function
E / C Fluid Pressure Cal.
ECU Tuning Data Confirm
Electric Water Pump Control
Engine Test On
EPB Variant Coding
Evap Leak Test [HEV]
Evap. Leakage Test
Evap.Leakage Test
Fluid Circulation Mode
Fuel Leakage Test
Fuel line air removal
Halt System Control
Headlamp Levelling
Height sensor Calibration (Reset)
Height Sensor De - Calibration
Height Sensor Mount Angle
High Pressure Release Mode
Idle CO Adjustment
Idle RPM Adjust Mode
Injector Specific Data
Inline Bleeding
LDC Activation Test
LDWS Reference Point Calibration
LDWS Region Code
Level Initialization
LKAS / LDWS Variant Coding
Monitoring Test Results
Motor / HSG Resolver Calibration
Pass.Airbag Realtime Info.
Passenger A / Bag Info.
PCM Auto Detection Reset
PODS Reset
Readiness Test
Seat Limit Position Setting
Serial Communication Line Check
Siren System Identification (Only UK)
Smart Key Code Saving
SPTAC Calibration
Steering Limit Position Setting
STPS Status
TCU Sub Rom Reset
Torque Coupling Control
TPS Circuit Test
UIP System Identification (Only UK)
User Option
VCM Learning
WCS Reset
Wheel Sensor ID Writing
Wiper Setting Position Calibration Mode
Write VIN

OBD2Tuning.com Focus on OBD Tool Since 2008


This article is compiled by www OBD2Tuning com, if you have any advice on it, pls feel free to contact OBD2Tuning - China OBD2 Tuning Tool Automotive Diagnostic Tools Car Key Programmer OBD2 ECU chip tuning tool Center.

2016年11月21日 星期一

How to use SuperOBD SKP900 Key programmer V4.5 with skp900 46/4D/48 ADAPTER COPY 46 CHIP

SuperOBD SKP900 Key programmer is Hand-held OBD2 key programmer support almost all cars in the world. SKP900 Key programmer V4.5 can COPY 46 CHIP. Below OBD2Tuning.com sharing How to use SuperOBD SKP900 Key programmer V4.5 with skp900 46/4D/48 ADAPTER COPY 46 CHIP.

SKP900 Key programmer SuperOBD SKP-900 key maker V4.5 SKP 900 update Online:

OBD2Tuning.com How to use SuperOBD SKP900 Key programmer V4.5 with skp900 46/4D/48 ADAPTER COPY 46 CHIP: 

Connect obd2tuning.com SKP900 Key programmer and 46/4D/48 adapter.

Plug the SKP-900 key programmer into the vehicle OBD socket.
That’s preparation to copy the original car keys and 46 chips.
Choose Special features into the SKP-900 -> chip key copy-> 46 chip copy, which has four options, according to the order entered were 1-2-3-4.
Firstly enter 1 and read original key ID, then place the original key near the adapter and press [YES], the original key ID will be read.
Note: If reading error, check if the key chip is 46, or adjust the position of the key and reading coil, and re-read the key ID. After reading key ID, press [NO] to return.
Enter 2 to get collector information: place the collector already with collected data near reading coil (refer to the user manual for the collector user manual), press [YES] to go on. At this situation, the collector data indicator (green) will flash, the screen displays the collector data. Then press [NO] to return.
Enter 3 and decode original chip, press [YES] to continue. The screen will display: working, please wait… It normally takes about 5-30 seconds. (Need about 4 minutes in some case). If the decoding failed, please re-collecting data and re-do step 3 and step 4. If the decoding successes, please press NO to return.
Enter 4 and create clone chip, place the copy-able 46 chip near the reading coil, press [YES] to continue, copy successes 1 second later; if not, please adjust the position of the coil and chip, or replace the chip can be copied.

OBD2Tuning.com Focus on OBD Tool Since 2008


This article is compiled by www OBD2Tuning com, if you have any advice on it, pls feel free to contact OBD2Tuning - China OBD2 Tuning Tool Automotive Diagnostic Tools Car Key Programmer OBD2 ECU chip tuning tool Center.

2016年11月20日 星期日

China kess v2 master Kess v2 2.26 clone With K-suite 2.26 software New Protocols

China kess v2 master update kess v2 2.26 clone new release now. And kess 5.017 firmware will release soon. OBD2Tuning.com sharing China kess v2 master Kess v2 2.26 clone With K-suite 2.26 software New Protocols. 

Unlimited Tokens Kess v2 2.23 master China Kess v2 V2.23 clone K-suite 2.23 with Renew Button

The update obd2tuning.com Kess v2 2.26 clone is really an important one. Not only for the amount of protocols we just added, not only because it involves both KESSv2 and K-TAG, not only because you will be able to work on vehicles on the market for a very few months, but above all because choosing our original tools, you will be really able to improve your work and have always new possibilities and opportunities. Find out the details!

OBD2Tuning.com China kess v2 master Kess v2 2.26 clone With K-suite 2.26 software New Protocols:

car rosso bianco

VAG Bosch EDC17CP14 IROM/XROM TC1796 Can 
KESSv2 - 501
- Read: Virtual Reading
- Write: YES
- Checksum Correction: YES
- Cable: 144300KCAN

VAG Continental Simos18 TC1791
KESSv2 - 473 - UPDATE
- Read: Virtual Reading
- Write: YES
- Checksum Correction: YES
- Cable: 144300KCAN

Volvo Bosch EDC16C34 Can
KESSv2 - 488
- Read: YES
- Write: YES
- Checksum Correction: YES
- Cable: 144300K264

OBD2Tuning.com Focus on OBD Tool Since 2008


This article is compiled by www OBD2Tuning com, if you have any advice on it, pls feel free to contact OBD2Tuning - China OBD2 Tuning Tool Automotive Diagnostic Tools Car Key Programmer OBD2 ECU chip tuning tool Center.

2016年11月17日 星期四

R280 Plus CAS4+ BDM Programmer New R280 Plus BDM programmer for bmw cas4 Write BMW 5M48H 1N35H

New launched R280 Plus R280 Plus CAS4+ BDM Programmer is the updated version of R270+ cas4 bdm prog. New R280 Plus BDM programmer for bmw cas4 is able to read and write all BMW CAS4, including latest BMW Motorola MC9S12XEP100 chip (5M48H/1N35H). OBD2Tuning.com R280 Plus CAS4+ BDM Programmer New R280 Plus BDM programmer for bmw cas4 Write BMW 5M48H 1N35H. 

R280 Plus CAS4+ BDM Programmer for BMW Motorola MC9S12XEP100 chip New R280 Plus BDM programmer for bmw cas4

OBD2Tuning.com R280 Plus CAS4+ BDM Programmer Functions:

R280 Plus supports the latest BMW Motorola MC9S12XEP100 chip (5M48H/1N35H), this product is a powerful Motorola microcontroller dedicated programmer. Automatic search mileage address and display the mileage, the demolition of the chip, the number of kilometers of direct input, the data can be directly visible, can be arbitrarily edited. Arbitrary read and write /P-FLASH D-FLASH data, this product features a powerful, decryption security, becoming the automotive computer repair, data recovery, data transfer and other professional electronic maintenance engineer.

New R280 Plus BDM programmer for bmw cas4 Support models from obd2tuning.com:

R280 Plus from obd2tuning.com is a powerful microcontroller dedicated BMW Motorola programmer support models are as follows:

BMW 1 series – F20, F21 chassis – 2016 years ago
BMW X1 series – E84 chassis – 2016 years ago
BMW 3 series – F30, F31 and F35 chassis – 2016 years ago
BMW X3 series – F25 chassis – 2016 years ago
BMW 5 series – F10, F11 and F18 chassis – 2016 years ago
BMW X5 series – F15 chassis – 2016 years ago
BMW 6 series – DMEM/F12 F13 chassis – 2016 years ago
BMW X6 series – F16 chassis – 2016 years ago
BMW 7 series – F01, F02, F03, F04 chassis – 2016 years ago
BMW GT series – F07 chassis – 2016 years ago
Support for BMW CAS and CAS4 (0K50E/2K79X/0L01Y/0L15Y/1L15Y, etc.).
Support for BMW EWS4 (2L86D).
Support EZS (1J35D/2J74Y/4J74Y/0L02M/1L02M/3K85K/3K91D/1L85D/1L59W/3L40K/4L40K, etc.).
Support for a variety of SRS computers (9H91F/0K13J/0K75F/0L85D/0J38M/1E62H/1K79X/5H55W, etc.).
Support M35080 series quick wipe, read and write (35080/35080-V6/35080-VP/080D0WQ/160D0WQ/35160, etc.).
Support FLASH 0K50E online write.

OBD2Tuning.com Focus on OBD Tool Since 2008


This article is compiled by www OBD2Tuning com, if you have any advice on it, pls feel free to contact OBD2Tuning - China OBD2 Tuning Tool Automotive Diagnostic Tools Car Key Programmer OBD2 ECU chip tuning tool Center.

2016年11月16日 星期三

Chrysler Witech micropod 2 VCI V17.02.3 wiTECH MicroPod II features can work online with server

Chrysler Witech micropod 2 VCI is designed to work on Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, and North American Fiat vehicles equipped with CAN BUS technology. V17.02.3 wiTECH MicroPod II for wiTECH with wiTech MicroPod 2 software V17.02.3 support Offline Programming. OBD2Tuning.com Chrysler Witech micropod 2 VCI V17.02.3 wiTECH MicroPod II features can work online with server. 

New chrysler witech micropod ii Kit Chrysler VCI Micro Pod 2 with V17.02.3 Mopar micropod 2 software

Software Version: V17.02.3 (2016.8.27)

Supported Languages: English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Russian, Japanese, Korean, Chinese

Compared with Turkey witech micropod ii, OBD2Tuning.com Highest:

1. Sustainable synchronization updates, can be networked, can work online with server
2. Original connector, perfect interface with car OBD
3. Software Version: 17.02.3(update time: 2016.08.27)
4. High-quality USB data cable, data transmission is stable and reliable
5. Anti-static packaging, moisture, anti-static, anti-electromagnetic interference
6. Within one year of non-human damage free replacement

Kindly Note: Each Chrysler diagnostic device has the only encoded service tag and the the only after-sale certificate, obd2tuning.com Customers must be cautious, otherwise will lose all after-sales service.

OBD2Tuning.com Focus on OBD Tool Since 2008


This article is compiled by www OBD2Tuning com, if you have any advice on it, pls feel free to contact OBD2Tuning - China OBD2 Tuning Tool Automotive Diagnostic Tools Car Key Programmer OBD2 ECU chip tuning tool Center.

2016年11月6日 星期日

Wabco diagnostics Tool with Wabco software for Trailers and Trucks Diagnostic

Wabco diagnostics Tool is wabco diagnostic kit (wdi). Wabco abs diagnostics Tool can work with wabco PIN Code Calculator. OBD2Tuning.com Wabco diagnostics Tool with Wabco software for Trailers and Trucks Diagnostic. 

WABCO truck diagnostic tool with full WABCO diagnostic software

WABCO System Diagnostics Kit consists of a range of Windows based software solutions 
and all the hardware necessary to carry out diagnostic work on every WABCO system.

WABCO Diagnostic Software is available for every WABCO-produced component needing diagnosis:

ATC CAN Standard
ATC Coach
ATC KWP Citaro Travego
EBS 1C Asia
EBS BUS Standard
EBS Euro
ECAS 4x2 S2000
ECAS Bus Citaro
Modular AMT
ODR Tracker
OptiDrive (Fast Gear)
Trailer CAN Router-Repeater (TRR)
TrailerGUARD Telematics

OBD2Tuning.com Focus on OBD Tool Since 2008


This article is compiled by www OBD2Tuning com, if you have any advice on it, pls feel free to contact OBD2Tuning - China OBD2 Tuning Tool Automotive Diagnostic Tools Car Key Programmer OBD2 ECU chip tuning tool Center.

2016年11月2日 星期三

MPPS V18 clone MPPS update V18 ecu chip tuning MPPS v18.12.3.8 MAIN + TRICORE + MULTIBOOT with Breakout Tricore Cable

MPPS V18 clone with breakout tricore cable for ECU chip tuning. MPPS update V18 adds boot mode support for controllers with the tricore processor. OBD2Tuning.com MPPS V18 clone MPPS update V18 ecu chip tuning MPPS v18.12.3.8 MAIN + TRICORE + MULTIBOOT with Breakout Tricore Cable.

MPPS V18 Clone with MPPS v18.12.3.8 software MPPS update V18

MPPS V18 clone from obd2tuning.com Highlights:

Latest Software version: V18.12.3.8

Package comes with Breakout Tricore cable.

OBD2Tuning.com MPPS update V18 Features:

-Auto detects ECU and processor type. No need to select from list, everything is automatic!
-Read/Write of all memories Eeprom, Irom, Xrom (where possible)
-Patch function for OBD Flashing of TPROT ECU’s (supports only VAG at the moment)
-TPROT / DS check feature, for testing if TPROT is active without opening ECU.
-Supports Bosch upto TP12
-Supports Siemens (current only for ECU’s without password protection),
-Support for unlocking of VAG Simos PCR and Simos 8.
-Checksum Correction supported for Bosch MEDC17.

MPPS v18.12.3.8 from obd2tuning.com is a powerful ecu programming tool for a range of controllers including M3.8, M5.9, ME7xx, MED9, MED17, EDC15/16/17, Delphi, Siemens, Marelli, Delco, Sagem, Trionic, etc.MPPS cable V18 adds support for advanced functions on Marelli ECU’s.

OBD2Tuning.com Focus on OBD Tool Since 2008


This article is compiled by www OBD2Tuning com, if you have any advice on it, pls feel free to contact OBD2Tuning - China OBD2 Tuning Tool Automotive Diagnostic Tools Car Key Programmer OBD2 ECU chip tuning tool Center.

2016年11月1日 星期二

V3.1.0 ODIS download software VAG odis 3.1.0 Crack software new release

VAG odis software 5 in 1 Odis 3.1.0 update from odis 3.0.3. OBD2Tuning.com have latest odis vw and audi software HDD for sale and also include Odis 3.1.0 + Odis Engineer Version 6.7.5 + Elsawin 5.3 VW + Elsawin 5.3 Audi + ETKA 7.4 plus software. OBD2Tuning.com V3.1.0 ODIS download software VAG odis 3.1.0 Crack software new release. 

5 in 1 odis 3.1.0, Elsawin 5.2, VW Etka parts catalogue V7.4 Plus

OBD2Tuning.com V3.1.0 ODIS download software information:

Vag ODIS software Version: ODIS 3.1.0
ODIS Engineering software Version:  6.7.5
Elsawin online software Version: V5.3
VW ELsawin oftware version: V5.3
Audi Elsawin software version: V5.3

VAG odis 3.1.0 Crack software Data information:

Audi Data: 2016.1
VW Data: 2015.5

OBD2Tuning.com kinldy note:

1. This update cancel ETKA software installation temporarily, but Elsawin includes all the ETKA data searching methods.

2. This update cancel Lamborghini and Bentley software installation.

OBD2Tuning.com Focus on OBD Tool Since 2008


This article is compiled by www OBD2Tuning com, if you have any advice on it, pls feel free to contact OBD2Tuning - China OBD2 Tuning Tool Automotive Diagnostic Tools Car Key Programmer OBD2 ECU chip tuning tool Center.