Wifi GM MDI Tech 3 is an interface between your vehicle DLC and a PC (by wired USB, wired Ethernet, wireless Ethernet ) and TIS2web. With GM MDI programming account, customers can use China GM MDI wireless scanner to do programmiong functions. Below OBD2Tuning sharing Wifi GM MDI Tech 3 China GM MDI wireless scanner with gds tech2win software review.
Wifi GM mdi module GM tech 3 scanner with GM MDI wireless card
Wifi GM mdi module GM tech 3 scanner with GM MDI wireless card
GM MDI Admin Software Version: V7.14.30
GDS2 Software Version: V9.1.01001
Vehicle Coverage: GM cars 1990-2013
GDS2 Data Package Include:
Tech2 WIN Software Version:
North-America: 33.002
Chinese: 32.001
Wifi GM MDI Tech 3 China GM MDI wireless scanner with gds tech2win software review:
GM MDI tech 3 scanner from obd2tuning.com supports offline lease function, online programming and Opel offline programming. It also supports cable/wireless comunication and original factory latest software.
OBD2Tuning.com Wifi GM MDI tech 3 can be used for SPS programming on existing and future SGM vehicles, it is needed for diagnostics on new SGM Global A Electrical Architecture Vehicles and for Global A architecture vehicles. It is used with TIS2Web, GM Global Diagnostic System, SPS and MDI Manager Software.
China GM MDI wireless scanner from obd2tuning.com supports PC-Based diagnostics with rollout of the Global Diagnostic System application. MDI passes through the programming on the past model and Global A vehicles and it includes Flight Recorder Mode.
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