GM tech 2 scan tool is vehicle diagnostic tool for gm makes. OBD2Tuning GM tech 2 scan tool VETRONIX TECH 2 clone for GM, OPEL, SUZUKI, SAAB, Isuzu, Holden vehicles. GM Tech 2 scanner package with one tech2 32mb card.
GM TECH II VETRONIX TECH 2 diagnostic tool GM tech2 scanner
GM TECH II VETRONIX TECH 2 diagnostic tool GM tech2 scanner
7 different auto diagnostic softwares for GM tech 2 scan tool VETRONIX TECH 2 clone to choose:
For GM Vehicle Diagnostic software:
For GM-English 32.007
For GM-Germany 32.007
For GM-Spanish 31.007, also including: Italian, Japanese, Thailand, Dutch, Chinese, Portuguese, Korean
For OPEL Vehicle Diagnostic Software
For OPEL-English 115.003
For OPEL-Italian 133.003
For OPEL-Germany 85.003
For OPEL-Spanish 91.003
For SUZUKI Vehicle Diagnostic Software
For SUZUKI-English 01.210.020
For SAAB Vehilce Diagnostic Software
For SAAB-English 143.000
For Isuzu Vehicle Diagnostic Software
For Isuzu--English
For Holden Vehicle Diagnostic Software
For Holden -English 145
For GM tech 2 Language
English ( Different software language different as above list)
This article is compiled by www OBD2Tuning com, if you have any advice on it, pls feel free to contact OBD2Tuning - China OBD2 Tuning Tool Automotive Diagnostic Tools Car Key Programmer OBD2 ECU chip tuning tool Center.