2016年4月6日 星期三

How to use GM Tech 2 scan tool VETRONIX TECH 2 Clone disable and DBS reflash Corvette C5 F55

GM Tech 2 scan tool with gm tis2000 software can do programming and diagnosis function for gm cars. VETRONIX TECH 2 Clone support DBS reflash or any other BCM changes will affect custom ECU tunes. Below OBD2Tuning sharing How to use GM Tech 2 scan tool VETRONIX TECH 2 Clone disable and DBS reflash Corvette C5 F55. 

GM TECH II VETRONIX TECH 2 diagnostic tool GM tech2 scanner

GM TECH II VETRONIX TECH 2 diagnostic tool GM tech2 scanner

How to use GM Tech 2 scan tool VETRONIX TECH 2 Clone disable and DBS reflash Corvette C5 F55:

If you are looking to disable your F55 using the gm TECH 2 scanner from obd2tuning.com:

1. Hook up obd2tuning.com GM Tech 2 scan tool, turn car ON, make sure module in the rear is PLUGGED IN. Do Not unplug the rear module.
2. Go to diagnostics -- Body --- BCM --- BCM Special functions -- BCM Setup.
3. Delete the F45 option ( F55 did not appear on the menu screen on the Tech 2, use F45)
4. Save new configuration.
5. Do not turn car off, do not remove Tech 2, go to the module in the rear of the car, unplug the grey connector( the widest one) leave the center plug in and the smaller black plug in.
6. Turn off car leave Tech 2 plugged in.
7. Remove remaining plugs from module in the rear of car.
8. Turn car on to verify the " Max speed 80 mph" is gone.
9. Unplug VETRONIX TECH 2 Clone from obd2tuning.com and put tools away.
Then you have to follow the bouncing ball of checking off RPO Codes. When you get to F55 set it to disabled.

This article is compiled by www OBD2Tuning com, if you have any advice on it, pls feel free to contact OBD2Tuning - China OBD2 Tuning Tool Automotive Diagnostic Tools Car Key Programmer OBD2 ECU chip tuning tool Center.

