2016年3月18日 星期五

Wifi GM MDI scanner Wireless GM MDI tech 3 software Opel Globaltis activation

Wifi GM MDI scanner is gm mdi diagnostic interface support wireless function. Wireless GM MDI tech 3 software including GM MDI gds tech 2 win software and Opel Globaltis software. Below OBD2Tuning sharing Wifi GM MDI scanner Wireless GM MDI tech 3 software Opel Globaltis activation

Wifi GM mdi module GM tech 3 scanner with GM MDI wireless card

Wifi GM MDI scanner Wireless GM MDI tech 3 software Opel Globaltis activation: 


1. Right click on My Computer> Properties> Advanced> Environmental Variables

Then — Path ; C:\Program Files\GlobalTIS\jre\bin

2. Reboot

3. Go to C:\Program Files\GlobalTIS\tomcat\webapps\ROOT Install jre-6u12-windows-i586-p

4. Run obd2tuning.com GlobalTis, fill dealer info form. Request key by (E-mail/Fax)!!!

5. Copy KeyGen.class and Keygen.bat to GlobalTis lib folder
<GlobalTis root>\tomcat\webapps\tis2web\WEB-INF\lib, by default
C:\Program Files\GlobalTIS\tomcat\webapps\tis2web\WEB-INF\lib

6. Start->Run. Enter CMD and press OK.

7. Enter or copy-paste:
cd C:\Program Files\GlobalTIS\tomcat\webapps\tis2web\WEB-INF\lib
and press Enter

8. Enter or copy-paste:
keygen.bat 155CE2A5C2FCD8F0919F7DDDC3FBC39AD0670F45832DDB3D26B92B8A03642A72
where 155CE2A5C2FCD8F0919F7DDDC3FBC39AD0670F45832DDB3D26B92B8A03642A72
is the software key from your registration.pdf file without “-“.

9. Enter two numbers to your GlobalTis registration form

10. Enjoy!!!

You can optionally add your favorite SubscriberID to keygen.bat parameters
keygen.bat 155CE2A5C2FCD8F0919F7DDDC3FBC39AD0670F45832DDB3D26B92B8A03642A72 T000000001
SubscriberID begins with T followed by 9 digits.

You can send output to .txt file for easy copy-past keys
keygen.bat 155CE2A5C2FCD8F0919F7DDDC3FBC39AD0670F45832DDB3D26B92B8A03642A72 > kg.txt

This article is compiled by www OBD2Tuning com, if you have any advice on it, pls feel free to contact OBD2Tuning - China OBD2 Tuning Tool Automotive Diagnostic Tools Car Key Programmer OBD2 ECU chip tuning tool Center.

