China GM MDI Clone is GM MDI diagnostic interface without wifi function for GM owner or workshop. Need to learn more GM MDI scanner use tips all the time. Below OBD2Tuning sharing China GM MDI Clone GM MDI scanner GM MDI tech 3 LED Is On error solution.
GM MDI China With Installed GM mdi gds2 tech 2 win software HDD
GM MDI China With Installed GM mdi gds2 tech 2 win software HDD
What if the GM MDI error LED is on? What should I do:
-Power cycle the GM MDI.
If error light stays on, perform a software recovery procedure.
After the software recovery procedure has been executed, the MDI should pass the POST and the error.
LED should be off.
-If the obd2tuning GM MDI Tech 3 error LED is still on contact your customer support center.
The GM Tech 3 must be connected using USB and the latest version of MDI firmware must be installed before usage.
This article is compiled by www OBD2Tuning com, if you have any advice on it, pls feel free to contact OBD2Tuning - China OBD2 Tuning Tool Automotive Diagnostic Tools Car Key Programmer OBD2 ECU chip tuning tool Center.