2015年10月22日 星期四

GM Tech 2 scanner VETRONIX TECH 2 pcmcia card software download

GM Tech 2 scanner need to work with tech 2 32mb pcmcia card bin files. VETRONIX TECH 2 with tech 2 pcmcia memory card can reprogram via serial cable with bin files. Below OBD2Tuning sharing GM Tech 2 scanner VETRONIX TECH 2 pcmcia card softwaredownload.

GM TECH II VETRONIX TECH 2 diagnostic tool GM tech2 scanner
tech 2 scannner

GM Tech 2 scanner VETRONIX TECH 2 pcmcia card software download:

How to load software on tech 2 32mb pcmcia card?

Insert tech 2 pcmcia memory card from obd2tuning.com into pcmcia port on laptop and use mce to write the required bin to card, once done remove card and place in tech 2 and power on.

Tech2 card writer is one of them but the method is much slower then reprogramming in pcmcia slot. Tech2 card writer can be downloaded free below as well.

Disclaimer: You are on your own risk.

Download 1:


File including:

New version Tech2 PCMCIA 165.000.rar English (used with TECH2 or with TECH2WIN)
Opel German 164.000.zip
Opel German 154.000.zip
Opel 150.020 english.rar
Saab 148.000 English.rar
SAAB 148.000 32MB German
Tech2 bin file

Download 2:


Tech2 & Tech2Win PCMCIA 32GB Card Bin Files Opel Multi-Language

You have inside:

Opel 165 EN; DE ; FR ; IT
Opel English 165, 171, 172 and 175
Tech2Win v2.302
27.05.2015 – Added Opel version 176
Tech2 bin file

Download 3:


Tech 2 cards bin files in English:

Zip file contains:-

Cadillac 117.500.bin
Cadillac BLS 120.000.bin
Opel GT Chevrolet HHR V30.004.bin
China-1 29.002.bin
Holden 1997 – 2012 V157.000.bin
Saab 148.000.bin
Holden Export V149.000.bin
Saturn Astra V31.001.bin
Isuzu 107.021.bin
Suzuki 28.007.bin
Isuzu truck 11_530 1996-2011.bin
Isuzu truck 11_530.bin
ISUZU Truck CAN 122_050.bin
Suzuki 29.003 eng.bin
nao 32.08.bin
opel 137.000.bin
OpelVauxhall V166.00.bin

This article is compiled by www OBD2Tuning com, if you have any advice on it, pls feel free to contact OBD2Tuning - China OBD2 Tuning Tool Automotive Diagnostic Tools Car Key Programmer OBD2 ECU chip tuning tool Center.

