2015年10月28日 星期三

China GM MDI Clone GM MDI Tech 3 diagnostic interface GM MDI scanner without wifi Correctly operate Guide

China GM MDI Clone is the genuine GM and Chevrolet dealer diagnostics interface. GM MDI Tech 3 diagnostic interface provides full dealer level diagnosis and programming for all GM and Chevrolet Vehicle from 1996 to present day. Below OBD2Tuning sharing China GM MDI Clone GM MDI Tech 3 diagnostic interface GM MDI scanner without wifi Correctly operate Guide. 

GM MDI Tech 3 GM Mutiple Diagnostic Interface GM MDI Manager

China GM MDI Clone GM MDI Tech 3 diagnostic interface GM MDI scanner without wifi Correctly operate Guide 

Step 1: Open the software folder, double click “CD Start” pop-up installation window, and click “install”.

Step 2: Pls install the software in order: JAV A.EXE; Validat.exe; GMMDI Software.exe; Tech3Win.exe;.

Step 3: Automatic install all the files above, when have message “ Copying PCMCIA files..”, please don’t touch any keyboard or mouse, just leave it alone, the GM MDIUSB drive will automatic install.

Step 4: Finished with the installation, there will be have a message “ press any key to continue…” and pls press any key, and software installation partly finished.

Step 5: Pls connect the USB cable to PC ( do not need to connect to the Car OBD at this time), the first time connect USB to PC, the USB drive will be detected on the lower right corner, then choose automatic install, click next to finish.

Step 6: When USB drive installation finish, on your PC device manager, you will find a “MDI USB Device (COM…” on Port place. If not then pls find the drive on MDI folder on the CD and install, if still not successful, then pls check  if the PC operation is correct or not.

Step 7: Open “GM MDI Menager” on the desk to do connection test (if the USB was correct installed, the red “X” on the dialogue will disappear, if the red “X” still on, then pls repeat step 6.

Step 8: Finish the installation above, pls connect your PC with internet. ( do not connect to the car OBD ) open this website and activate lease. http://tis2web.eicp.net:9080/tis2web/ after you open this web. Write any user’s name and click ok. All choose OK /continue.

Step 9: In the main interface, please click “Global Diagnostic System2(GDS 2)” icon, and click GDS2 to run, at that time, software will update lease automatic. After update finish, software GDS2 (Launch GDS2 on the desk) will open automatically, choose the language and back to the main interface. Bottom left will have a lease expire time. Be attention, it need only your PC systerm time, don’t change. Afterward we don’t need internet to update lease, so if there is any remind indicate new update available, please do not click update.

This article is compiled by www OBD2Tuning com, if you have any advice on it, pls feel free to contact OBD2Tuning - China OBD2 Tuning Tool Automotive Diagnostic Tools Car Key Programmer OBD2 ECU chip tuning tool Center.

