2015年10月21日 星期三

Wifi GM MDI scanner GM MDI GDS2 Tech2win software loaded EVG7-DL46 Tablet PC

Wifi GM MDI scanner is wireless GM MDI Diagnostic & Rerogramming tool. GM MDI manager software and GM MDI GDS2 Tech2win software need to work with China GM MDI tech 3. OBD2Tuning have Wifi GM MDI scanner GM MDI GDS2 Tech2win software loaded EVG7-DL46 Tablet PC can ready to use.

Wifi GM MDI with EVG7 Tablet PC installed GM MDI Global TIS and GM MDI GDS2 software

GM MDI GDS2 Tech2win software rich EVG7-DL46 Tablet PC:

one. WORLD TIS Reprogramming Software intended for GM along with SAAB autos – handles autos " up " 2012

only two. GM SPS – SPS Selection intended for GM Autos approximately 2012
three. Tech2Win – Technical only two emulation software – Is included with World Tis – it'll be stimulated for ever in no way runs out there,
several. GDS only two – Diagnostic Software intended for newer GM autos – it'll be stimulated for ever in no way runs out there.
GM MDI GDS only two update version: V. on the lookout for. three. 0. 2100
EVG7 Tablet PC is for the specialized storage along with repair shop automobile repair providers, MDI Technical three World TIS, GDS only two, Tech2Win Prognosis software set up EVG7 Tablet PC, BMW ICOM A2 ISTA/D ISTA/P Diagnostic Software set up EVG7 DL46 .

This article is compiled by www OBD2Tuning com, if you have any advice on it, pls feel free to contact OBD2Tuning - China OBD2 Tuning Tool Automotive Diagnostic Tools Car Key Programmer OBD2 ECU chip tuning tool Center.

